Phone : 412 267 1529

Success story 1 (online petroleum supplement seller from USA)

Success story 1

They generate large number of visitors to their Website and get a high volume of orders as a result of their successful marketing strategies. They had customer care in-house, but their enquiries workload kept increasing and in-house team could not cope with the volumes. They also had difficulty to ramp up the team, because of which they were losing several orders.

Our solution

We took care of the entire customer care team and a team of five was immediately set-up to work 24/7. Our team exclusively consisted of call center specialists and quickly got trained on the clients business. Our total call center customer care solution consists of,

  • Order processing
  • Website live chat
  • Email ticket support
  • Telephone support

The order processing should be completed within 24 hours of payment. We sort and arrange all orders in the required format and send to a central warehouse. We directly communicate with the warehouse to ensure all the orders are shipped on time. If there are any incomplete or partially completed orders, we will call or email the customer and help them complete the order.

We also handle 100's of live chat enquiries on the customer Website; write email replies for large number of tickets raised everyday, answer phone calls 24/7. Apart from the normal customer care, we also handle complaints and settle any issues amicably. While handling customer complaints, our aim is to convert a disgruntled customer to a loyal fan of the product or service. From just 4 weeks after our first discussion, we took on all the aspects of customer service and call center services and are successfully managing it for several years now.

Our difference

  • Automatically adjust work-load by cross training multiple staff
  • Technology support for implementation and maintenance of chat application
  • Prepare custom queries and replies based on feedback

We work with this client very closely and offer all our expertise. Now their focus is entirely on their marketing strategies to get more qualified visitors. They are aware that, Integra will manage everything in terms of customer care. Business is highly successful and everyone is happy.

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